The Leader in On-Demand Physician Orders Management.

technology designed for hospital patient access

In the CareReady Orders Collaboration Service, all physician orders are searchable, and retrieved by Universal Key Search Parameters, and viewed by any users with the appropriate privileges.

These parameters are self-configurable from hundreds of data fields in the Master Patient Index (MPI) engine. Your registrars can retrieve orders, and so can your downstream service departments.

Orders Processors can process incoming orders in real time, assign processing status, and associate precise patient encounter data with faxed documents from your physicians— at any indexing level imaginable: document, particular page within a document, or specific section of a page. They can also collaborate with physicians and their office staff with the Instant Return Fax feature to follow up with incomplete or illegible orders, right within the Workspace in the portal; or collaborate with downstream service departments with the easy Notes function, along the service delivery continuum. 

Utilizing our Proactive Physician Authorization© (PPA) technology (Patent Pending), faxed orders are digitized automatically and become instantly searchable upon receipt, achieving an even higher level of productivity, quality and data integrity.

potent technology at your command

Orders Collaboration Service, at its core, is a powerful, high performance database designed specifically for health care patient access management.

Behind the simple and intuitive web interface are full fledged patient MPI tables consisting of hundreds of fields that can be easily tailored to your entity’s unique business requirements and needs.

Orders Collaboration interfaces with your scheduling, ADT/HIS, and Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems through Health Level Seven (HL7) standard, either uni-directional or bi-directional. It unleashes the power of collaborative information sharing, and the vision of “collect once, share many times.”

The customization and self-configuration are done by your Service Account Administrator (SAA) —non-technical patient access staff at your entity, rather than someone from your IT department, 24/7/365. You create user privileges, manage downstream service department access, set performance thresholds, and monitor audit trail, among many other advanced admin functions.